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Preview image of Configuration Management

Configuration Management

Easily see and edit configuration values across your fleet
Preview image of File Sync

File Sync

Dropbox for robots. Sync files from device to cloud.
Preview image of Foxglove WebRTC

Foxglove WebRTC

Open your robots live in Foxglove, no matter where they are
Preview image of Health Monitoring

Health Monitoring

Easy monitoring of fleet health
Preview image of Remote Teleop

Remote Teleop

Remotely teleoperate your robots with live video over webrtc
Preview image of ROS Tool

ROS Tool

A generic tool for interacting with ROS from the web (pub, sub, and service calls)
Preview image of Terminal


Access your robots remotely via a web terminal
Preview image of WebRTC Video

WebRTC Video

WebRTC based low-latency video streaming

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Get $100 starting credit when you sign up during our beta, valid for 30 days.

Capabilities are independent modules each consisting of a robot component, a cloud component, and one or more front-end/web components. These components communicate seamlessly through the Transitive framework, working together to add new, interactive functionalities to your fleet.

The Transitive framework is specifically designed to allow these web-components to be embedded in your own web portals and pages, just like embedding a YouTube video but with authentication to provide access control. Each capability is individually priced and you only pay for the capabilities you are actively using.

Several of our capabilities support ROS (1 + 2) and work well with it, but Transitive itself does not require ROS.